Quanopt Research Director speaks at blockchain conference

Imre Kocsis, the Research Director of Quanopt gave a talk on "Blockchain, as a Cooperation as a Service Platform" at a large blockchain conference, organized by Blockchaineum, the blockchain interest group of Mensa HungarIQa.

In his talk, Imre gave insights on how blockchain technology can be used for much more than cryptocurrencies. Blockchains will revolutionize collaboration and safety-critical cooperative services in Industry 4.0, smart IoT, certification and all distributed applications where trust and security matter.

In the blockchain domain, Quanopt specializes in private Distributed Ledgers implemented primarily with the open source technologies of the Hyperledger project of the Linux Foundation. Hyperledger is now supported by major IT vendors, including IBM, Microsoft, SAP, and Oracle for implementing private blockchain solutions.

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