Quanopt team wins Data Visualization Challenge @ first satRday conference

Quanopt team wins Data Visualization Challenge

The satRdays are SQLSaturday-inspired, community-led, one-day, regional and very affordable conferences around the world to support collaboration, networking and innovation within the R community. The first satRday conference was held in Budapest, Hungary on 3rd September, 2016.

The main goal with this conference is to

  • provide an affordable learning and networking experience to a great number of R users in and around Hungary
  • demonstrate the need of such regional conferences

As part of the conference program Data visualization challenge was announced. The challenge rules were quite simple: a dataset was published consisting of 18K+ entries on the flights of the Budapest Liszt Ferenc airport, sourced from the Hungarian Central Statistic Office. The participants were asked to submit a data visualization created from the data using only R. 

Quanopt team won the first price based on the conference audience voting. Our Shiny app can be found here: results, code.

Members of the winning team: László Gönczy, Imre Kocsis, János Oláh, Flórián Deé and Nóra Lengyel


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